
Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 10th Jul 2015

Hippocrates once said; healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” Hippocrates, who lived between 460 – 370 BC, knew as none of us what it means to heal or to be healed in a proper time, by the proper person and with the proper procedures.

Time passed since his era, but doctors still swear on his philosophy and most people treasure his approach to medicine and patients. I often think about opportunities to heal. Does it refer to the patient or to a practitioner? Or maybe both…

During the last few weeks, I have had a rare and an amazing opportunity to discuss some theoretical and – to some point – philosophical aspects of healing with a neurosurgeon, who sees the energy and uses alternative methods as well as his wealth of knowledge from strictly western medicine. We have discussed the issue of when it is the best time to remove something from a patients’ physical and energetic level and how does it relate to our general matrix.

A practitioner can only remove the imprint of a certain condition from the matrix, only if the patient will be able to realize and bring attention to it. Nobody sees everything. Amongst all the people I know with high ability to see the invisible realm, I have never met anyone who is able to identify all of the problems in their clients’ energy field. It is very important for us, practitioners, to have a feedback from our patients, not only after the treatment, but also before the treatment. Hints? Tips? Something that will directs us to the area, where the client experiences the condition. Nobody will know better how and where something is felt, what kind of thoughts, ideas and consequently concerns it brings, then the person going through the process. Quite often we can see and understand better when out clients actively participate in the healing process and are aware of their body.

I meet many people who come for their very first treatment, and say absolutely nothing, and some have this strange attitude of “You are the healer, you should know. Let’s see!”. The funniest thing in this situation is that people expect us to see and know everything except for… what they think! If we are able to see the energy, in most cases we also (kind of) hear your thoughts and feel your attitude. We know you want to challenge us. Then the question is: have you come for a healing or for a power struggle? Do you want to prove me wrong or you want to get better? When, in your opinion, is your time to share?

Those however who come with an open heart and mind benefit the most. They share with the practitioner and in effect together they create a team with a common goal of regaining the clients health. Both sides win, but the client has more to loose or gain. It always amazes me that some people would risk their health and money to “try him” instead of cooperating.

Well – we can say that it takes one to know one. I know I was this way years ago. Today I know the feeling of both sides, that strange equation. My advise – do not do that. Go only to those you can trust from the very beginning. Share and have faith in your practitioner and your own self-healing ability. Only then the chances for success are enormously bigger. Give both of you chance.

But most of all – stay healthy and marvelous!