We are thrilled to see the resurgence of live, in-person conferences and other events, which are gaining popularity once again. Alicja is eagerly accepting invitations to these events, ready to share her knowledge and experience with the younger generation of dowsers, therapists, and dowsing enthusiasts.

In this category, you will find a comprehensive list of all the events Alicja will be a part of or has been invited to teach courses at. This is a unique opportunity to gain insights from her vast knowledge and experience.

Make sure to check this page regularly to find a location that is convenient for you. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to come and learn more about dowsing and healing!



Circles of Wisdom,
Methuen, MA (USA)
June 7 - 9, 2024
We hope that this collection of lectures and workshops will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to help convert your own life predicaments into enjoyable events and bring expected results to other people's lives!”. (read more)



ASD Conference,
Marlborough, MA (USA)
June  14-16,2024
Workshop: Healing the World Begins with Healing Yourself! | Sunday, June 16, 9 am – 12 pm (Corporate Room)
Dowsers usually treat illnesses by treating the affected part of the body or organ. 
Let’s learn about a completely different approach: removing emotional traumas from the brain. The human brain is made up of three layers of cells (called in medicine Germ Layers), each responding to a different set of emotional issues. Each layer has also distinct areas that respond to specific types of traumas. (read more)
Finger Lakes Chapter of The ASD,
Syracuse, NY (USA)
June 20 - 22,2024
Two evening lectures and the one-day course will help you better understand how and when to approach health predicaments with dowsing tools to bring positive and long-lasting effects. In turn, you or your clients will improve their life performances and the speed of receiving desired business, relationship or health results.(read more)
To get more info and how to register call or text Jini 315-450-6990

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