Browse this category to find the rune, which will help you achieve your life goals and your dreams. Runes are perfect tools to connect with very specific frequencies.
Runes According to "Norse Mythology" by Daniel McCoy: “The runes functioned as letters, but they were much more than just letters in the sense in which we today understand the term. Each rune was an ideographic or pictographic symbol of some cosmological principle or power, and to write a rune was to invoke and direct the force for which it stood. Indeed, in every Germanic language, the word “rune” (from Proto-Germanic *runo) means both “letter” and “secret” or “mystery,” and its original meaning, which likely predated the adoption of the runic alphabet, may have been simply “(hushed) message”.
Runes were traditionally carved onto stone, wood, bone, metal, or some similarly hard surface rather than drawn with ink and pen on parchment. This explains their sharp, angular form, which was well-suited to the medium.
Individual runes are made of copper plated with pure silver or gold. You can wear them or attach them to your key chains etc. Just remember - it vibrates where it is!
We invite you again to browse through them and purchase what you feel is right for you.
Individual (copper plated with noble metals), act fast, as they are very much sought after.