Your Perception is Your Reality

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 7th Aug 2014

We have tendency to look at things, episodes from our and others lives and current situations from very much superstition and metaphysical point of view. I do agree that it may be at times enlightening and new, but to me most of those are just simply results of our past experiences and how we perceive reality based on them.

That is mostly reason for different for each of us understanding of the reality around us. People say: “Change you perception and you will change your life!” Easy to say! To change our perception we must look at our past, deal with emotional pains and wounds, re-evaluate relationships. Not everyone is able to do that. It does take a lot of courage to uncover what we have had dig down into our unconscious mind. Only then, however, we will be able to start clean, to have NEW PERCEPTION based on analyzed experiences and smarter new decisions.

Every Summer I do my best to dig down into my own past and clear part of it, so I know what I am talking about. Nothing too exiting, brings temporary aches and pains, frustrations and disappointments with myself, but – what is cleared will stay clear and I feel that, in final effect, I am better.

Bottom line is, though, that we all should do whatever it takes and we can bear to become better. Isn’t this and every lifetime about become better human being? To be better asset to all humanity? Do you agree?