
Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 5th Nov 2014

Have you realized how much main stream language of our medias is “infused” with New Age vocabulary?

What was strange even a few years ago i.e. words such as “aura”, “spiritual” or “divine” are now used in majority of commercials as a description of everyday products i.e. shampoo, certain dishes etc. What was bizarre and the sign of “twisted minds” of spiritual development questers became reduced to very flat, meaningless adjectives to trigger our minds and attract more sophisticated clientele with higher, in respect to quality and purity, expectations to buy very casual products.

In metaphysics there is a rule stating that more common something (either idea or description) becomes, less power it represents. Commonality is a beginning of the devaluation process. It persists until the word, description or object looses its value completely. Then it becomes “ancient”, passé and then perceived as obsolete.

Wisdom of those of us living aware life makes us sensitive to the process of reduction of meaning, so we subconsciously begin searching for other words and descriptions to keep energy of “it” high. Only then we can create something meaningful. But, main stream is always looking for what and how we talk about life - and absorbs next “generation” of useful vocabulary. Interesting process if you would like to dedicate time to observe it…

The point here is that we, seekers, spiritualists, metaphysicians or esotericists are true frontiers of new perception of life, which - with time - becomes common reality. The other fact is that no one, except for some of us, realize that.

At the beginning there was a word… let’s keep creating!