
Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 19th Jun 2015

To communicate we use words. Some of us, though, use pictures – either photographs or paintings. Sometimes you wonder – what is more important? Or maybe - what is more effective? Or even– what is more valuable? All those questions are important and irrelevant at the same time.

They are important if one would like an audience to precisely understand the meaning of his work, irrelevant on the other hand if one would like his audience to feel something, stir their emotions etc.

We say that a picture is worth a thousand words. But we need to also accept that not all of us can “picture” things. In my long career as a therapist and metaphysical teacher I have met quite a few people who weren’t able to visualize anything. They could write, feel or think about something, but are not able to create a picture in their mind. So they cannot paint, not even copy a painting. Can we say that they do not have an imagination? But that’s not the point. Their imagination works differently as if their brain would be differently wired. For example: I have a friend who can, with such details describe things, in spite of the fact that she is not able to visualize them in her mind. If you would ask her to picture it differently, she cannot, since she does not see, she “only” feels and knows (through inner knowingness) how it is. My friend is quite successful in what she does; she (her work) is connected with a high skilled mind. Only when I befriended her I got the understanding that one can live without the ability to perceive the world in pictures.

Having said that, I do not know or have not heard about anyone who could not use words. Well – you say – what about blind people? I can say that they can use words verbally. They can express themselves with words quite successfully. What about individuals who are deaf? They can communicate with words through writing. Let me bring an example. It is extreme, but… I am inspired by Stephen Hawking, who cannot speak or write. In spite of everything he still uses words in his own, unique and creative way to convey his brilliant ideas and discoveries with the rest of the world.

Every act of true creation in art is possible due to the touch of the Creator. He gave some of us an incredible talent to paint. To me paintings are more about communicating on a very subtle, word-less level where ones feelings, emotions and interpretation of the art are more important then the true meaning of the art. To get a sense of what the artist had in mind (or rather heart and soul) we need words, hence all paintings have titles, which in most cases give us a very general idea about the message.

Some of us got the gift of perfecting words. To me using words is more about the precise communication. With words we can describe the beauty of nature with such precision that by reading them one can feel the wind blowing and visualize the thickness of the leaves. One can feel the cold or cry with sorrow. Writing inspires our imagination, so some of us can see pictures in our minds. Each of us will see different picture, though, and that is the beauty of words. To write with such an incredible influence on others, one must also be touched by Divine.

On the flip side of it – pictures inspire us to expand and see more and deeper, to go beyond the painter’s imagination. Those, who can create pictures in their minds may continue the original creation with their own.

There are many discussions about what is more important in our lives: words or pictures? This may be strictly academic discussion for some of us, but in fact it is a topic worth to ponder upon, since it helps us know ourselves better. It also brings us closer to understanding our life choices, as they are often connected either with verbal or imaginative aspect – either cognitive or affective mindset.

Whatever your decision will be, one thing is for sure: to develop painting or writing skills to the level through which one can inspire and amaze others, make them better humans, awake their most beneficial emotions and – hopefully – actions in effect, one must have a talent. Not just the ability, but also this true gift from the Creator. We must be given this divine spark, which in turn makes us perceive reality differently, through the Eye of Divine. Even if we struggle like Van Gough, Paul Gauguin or El Greco, or like Jack London, F. Scott Fitzgerald or Franc Kafka. Those who got the gift will pursue it regardless of adversities and hardships.

Are you aware of your gifts and talents? Do you put an effort to perfect them?

Is your passion contagious and inspiring to others? Let’s think and do something about it. Through and thanks to you our world and people around you will become better. Always cherish your gifts!