Witness Ray

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 20th Jan 2016

It is quite hard to count how many times I observe people, in real live as well as in movies, who refer to what we call in dowsing ‘witness ray’. I was recently watching a movie and it touched on this topic… big time! The movie is not necessarily that exceptional or worth watching, but I found myself hanging in until the end counting for something substantial to happen. The title: A Sound of Thunder. It is a futuristic story about a company who provides people with quick travels/visits back in time – kind of like a short exciting experience to raise the adrenalin level. For those who decide to encounter this are presented with strict and interesting rules that they must follow: first – do not change anything, second – do not take anything with you when traveling back to the future, third – do not leave anything there.

Two of these three rules are about witness ray. If a traveler would leave anything behind or bring something with them, the energy line between realities will be created. This line will allow the energy to travel back and forth and influence one or both realities. As usual in those situations, that is exactly what happens – one of the travelers detours from the path, leaves a trace of a soil on the trail (path on which they travel), which folds down before they go back home. Nobody sees it at the beginning, but changes are taking place and our heroes must fight to save our planet from dinosaurs etc.

Now coming back to our reality. We truly do not pay too much attention to the fact, that whatever we touch, places we visit or see holds a piece of our energy forever. Through this piece of energy we can be re-traced and it can be, potentially, used in the future either to our advantage or otherwise. Depends. This rule is known more in the East. Due to their long history of advanced spiritual practices those, who continue the old tradition would rather omit taking photos with people they do not know, as well as avoid signing anything. I had a very personal experience with it – while I taught classes in Singapore and Malaysia. Despite the fact that I was coming there for quite a few years, some of my students would excuse themselves during ‘photo op’. They would rather say they keep memories in their minds and hearts. Kind refusal. Good thing that I knew about the reasons why, and did not feel offended.

Most people have no idea that when we walk through life and leave so many energetic imprints on objects, places and people, we expose ourselves to all kinds of possible further intrusions. On the other hand, it would be interesting to see (maybe some day all of us will be able to really see it) this infinite maze of lines connecting everything and everyone. As we walk we are constantly passing through the rays linking something with something else. We are not destroying those connections though, which is also very interesting.

Dowsing uses that principal to allow us to read on distance, clear people, places and objects from non-beneficial energies, attachments etc. It also allows us to work remotely in healing people. Interestingly enough this ‘ray’ does not disappear when we die. We can then use it to either communicate or clear deceased ancestors as well as heal our relationships with them – problems we had constantly put aside for later until it was too late…

If you dowse, learn more about rules of dowsing and apply them, it may advance your life further then you ever imagine possible! Good luck!