Who Are We?

Posted by Alicja on 13th Nov 2015

Are you interested in the history of human race? I am. Well – I am a part f it, so how could I not?

Recently I watched a documentary about the research on human DNA in pursuit of finding our common origin. It is quite obvious now that the cradle of our civilization is Africa. Scientists proved that to the point which seems to be final. Personally I have nothing against it. The fact is that official science still circulates around the concept that we came from water does not bother me anymore. Salute to Darwin! Some day, when spirituality and science will meet again, this time for good, they may exercise the other options. For example that soul and spirit had something to do with it. That the whole process of creation did not and never will originate on the planet – regardless of which planet it is – but rather has been and continues to be stimulated and charged by the electromagnetic power of the Universe with Creator (or God, if you wish) in the first place. But, I am fine with the concept of coming from fish, for now. So fish.. then a long stretch of evolution.. then (finally) human form in Africa.?

What bothered me the most was near the end of this program, they presented short clip of longer talks of Mr. Desmond Dudu, Peace Nobel Price winner, who almost came to tears while talking about Africa being the very beginning of our existence. I do understand that such a persona, fighting against Apartheid for years to the point of global recognition must and should be proud of such discovery. In my opinion however, the incise was– chosen quite inadequately to the content. But – even this would be fine with me. I can convince myself that it was a pure accident.

Something else attired my attention. I think it is time for us all on this planet to look at ourselves as one. We talk about it, but it seems like we have a hard time with applying it in real life. To me one thing is to find out where human life on this planet originated. The pursuit of our common roots and ancestors. It is even fine with me to look at the place of that very first appearance of us in the form close to todays. But let’s not run right away for sanctification of a certain place. What if - in some time from now - Atlantis will arise and we will prove, with no doubts at that point of a time that the source of human race lies there? And what if – some time later – Lamuria will come out of the waters and we will find out that humans were there even before Atlantis?

And finally – what if Gregg Braden’s statement (based on scientific research) is right, that all 150 scalps of Homo Neanderthalensis found around the world have no similarity to our DNA – then who are we and were are we from?

It truly does matter to me where we appeared first. It is about satisfying my thirst for more knowledge about my ancestors. Outside of strictly scientific research though, if we will begin to argue that we are all Africans or Europeans or Atlanteans or whoever in regards to geographical location we could possibly be, we will never find peace. I think we should begin to look for who we are in our essence, since that will be the defining factor of all of us. In our essence we are all divine beings with a soul and spirit. That is what makes us HUMANS, hence - in final effect – that is what matters the most. That is the fact, which cannot be challenged neither now nor in the future. We are unique in the Universal civilization of humans, who make their way up to be better and greater regardless of effondrements and retombements. I do believe we will make it.I believe in humanity and believe that we should be proud of it.