Truth vs. My Truth

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 5th May 2015

I have listened to the beginning of a seminar. It is not important now what the seminar was about, but it made me think about the truth. What is truth? Has it ever existed? Is there a “Universal Truth”?

We all have our own believe systems and they are true to us. We have rights to share it with others and stand by it as long as we truly believe in them. On the other hand – we constantly grow, learn and experience, hence “our truth” changes. Many of you, who reached a certain age, know that when you think you have figured it all out, you are confronted with a new piece of the puzzle, which does not belong to your well-established worldview. Since you have received it, you cannot ignore it, even though it ruins everything. From that moment your canvas, on which you have so carefully painted “your truth” is empty again and your work on building “your truth” begins from scratch. How desperate and disappointed you feel then?

I do remember many of those moments in my life. Sometimes I wanted to say: “that’s it! I have had enough! I will no longer pursue this, since it is a ridiculously, never ending story. I am fed up!” Fortunately – when we step on this path of self- or spiritual development for the very first time, we will never quit. Regardless of how painful it is at the moments, it is also so greatly rewarding and so fascinating, that in fact we will never step out. Oh! If we would only know at the beginning! Blessing of ignorance!

In my opinion moral problems begin when people start to share their truths on a wider forums. When we present a concept to others we should, first of all, begin with kind of a waiver stating that it is either our own creation, or we will present other (the best would be to give references) peoples’ theories. I can stand and accept other peoples’ theories. If one feels a deep need to present it to the world, let them. The presence or absence of audience will show them clearly the social value of it. Sometimes though, the topic is so new and shocking and the presenter is also new on the field that it takes time to build credibility. But it will come with time. An audience will always know when someone pretends to be explorative, while they don’t have much to back up their concept.

We can say that in todays time of fast exploration of ancient truths and believes, and many possibilities for even faster presentation of those re-discoveries, beginners on that path have real trouble with distinguishing between what is worth to follow. Many get discouraged and lost, many turn their back at the very primal first stage and others – believing that they cannot believe – begin their own journey. Every concept will find followers and – on the flip side of it – every concept with time will loose followers. When? When new concepts will be presented “to the world” sort of speak.

My conclusion is – to get to the point of sharing “our truth” with others; we need to become a living example of its application. Basically – we need to walk our talk. We need to apply it in our own life and use it! Only then if someone will come and share their problems with us, we will know what they are talking about. We call it first hand experience. In this case it is still “our truth”, but it has been proven that it works and you will still apply it in your life. To the moment of receiving a new puzzle, then… you will begin again!

So – let’s say rather: “In my opinion”, “According to my research to this moment on the topic” etc. instead of: “It works this way” or “Let me tell you how it is”.

Because in a final moment – it is how it is and no one knows how it will be…