There Is Time For Everything...

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 14th Jan 2016

As parts of the world get deeper into the winter season, many people are debating the issue of flu shots and alternative methods of protecting ourselves against sicknesses. For most of us, winter is a season of ill health. Many, though, and I am one of those, think of this season as a cleansing time, when bacteria and viruses will be eliminated by the freezing temperatures, and our lungs – while outside – with every breath of cold air will clean our upper respiratory system and finally – when insects hibernate and the air is so fresh and wonderful!

It is interesting to me, that people are more afraid of sickness during this cleansing time rather then the summer, when the hot temperatures actually encourage the growth of all sorts of germs. Summer also has drastic temperature changes from cold (due to air-condition) to extremely hot (while outside) in a flash. So – maybe all this is a matter of perception and our mindset?

We know that it is. Our imagination is a filter and a door to the perception of our reality, even in regards to health. Created by imagination reality will either allow for sickness to enter or for health to persist. I am not against supplementation, Vitamin D3, Emu oil and other great health enhancers, but it seems like during the winter we give up easier and are more inclined to lower our energy level to get sick. Some say that it is because of lack of the Sun. But, really, during the Summer time we are encouraged by doctors to avoid exposure to the Sun, so we do not get enough of it, since glass (such as windows in our homes or cars) absorbs or redirects the best and the healthiest part of the spectrum, and we are left with a less beneficial effect of the sun. I agree that days are longer, but we spent them mostly inside due to different excuses. Sun heals, but only when we are able to absorb it, not through blockers, sunglasses, hats etc. It seems to be strange to me. Don’t take me the wrong way, I do not deny the value of the energy of the summer, but I am referring here to the mindset we create for ourselves rather than the energetic value of each season.

On the other hand, there are people, who totally disregard the state of their health, the reality, and live in a fairyland forever. They will never ever allow themselves to accept the fact that they have certain health challenges. Instead they try to constantly believe in this artificially created reality of health. This approach absorbs a great deal of their energy to maintain, since they are lying not only to the outside world but also mostly to themselves, and that means lying 24/7. It amazes and impresses me at the same time.

In my reality I do believe in health and that it is created in our mind, in our spirit and through our emotions. When I get sick sometimes, I do my best to imagine myself as healthy, but do not deny that I am in a bad condition at the moment. Basically I am trying to dispense my temporary reality from a whole, general picture. It helps me stay grounded and still function in the 3D world, to be sane.

As much as repelling sickness and exclusion of thoughts of progressing sickness is important, it is equally important (at least to me) to check reality periodically. Just to know where I am right now and then going into when I want, should and like to be. Well – it helps me… I love to use my imagination to go wild and bring me uncensored vision of health, happiness and joy. Only then I can create everything else. It sprang from those primary visions of health. Visions, which do not recognize seasons, go beyond time and space, hence are (like diamonds) forever…

How do you deal with illnesses?