The Importance of Visualization

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 23rd Jul 2014

It seems like the concept of visualization has been with us for ages, while the real and broader interest is quite recent.

I do not intent to take you back to biblical times to the school of Sons of Prophets, not even to Carl Jung’ interesting and kind of precursory work on cognitive functions, however both would create an interesting quest to re-discover our inner abilities. I would rather like to talk about – theoretically known to all –the importance of visualization in reference to obtaining our goals.

It is not scientifically proven how and why visualization works, there is not enough sufficient data on the topic, but most metaphysicians value this method highly.

We all know that we think in images and it is easier for humans as well as for animals to recognize an object or to create a mental connection if we can see it then when we only hear the information. People say that “the picture is worth a thousand words”. That statement itself should motivate all of us to spend more time on visualization then on any other mental activity. In fact visualization (which takes place in the right hemisphere) is a perfect exercise for those who often work with the left-brain hemisphere i.e. computer gigs, engineers etc.

Children are so great in visualization that they most often get what they want. Since they cannot really fully comprehend the difference between the two realities. Their frontal lobes are not fully developed yet, so the border between real and un-real is so thin and undefined that it makes no difference where they are at the moment.

How great it would be for us today, at the age we are right now, to have this amazing ability to visualize tangible or nontangible concepts in such precision, using all senses that we have. How much more successful could we be then!

I am a great believer of visualization. I visualize things when I wake up and then when I walk in every morning, I do that before falling asleep and whenever I have time. I visualize my classes, my lectures, my goals and my future. Almost everything – big and small, it does not matter. For me every act of creation starts with and from visualizing it first and then following this path.

It does happen that, in the course of hours or days I forget about some things I was intending to focus on visualizing. In this case I presume that it wasn’t important for me at that time, and I accept it. But I do my best to ask myself: did I forget because it was hard to keep focus on that mental image or it “just” slid my mind since I have too much on mind? In both cases it is fine to put it aside for the time being. I believe that, if it is too hard to keep this image, that I did not fully develop the concept yet hence it is not strong enough and not worth my attention. It means it cannot be manifested yet. In the other case it means that I must work more on prioritization, since I cannot work on so many tasks at once. The energy cannot be so scattered, since it will lead to the inability of manifesting anything.

Visualization of our goals and dreams can be our driving force to achieve high success in life.

Do you visualize? I would love to hear your comments.