Southern Dowsers

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 25th Mar 2015

I was in North Carolina last weekend to lecture and present our products at the First Appalachian Dowsers Conference. All of us, speakers, witnessed a birth of the dowsers community which existed on a chapter scale before and now began its existence as a focal point for dowsers from all southern part of the USA.

As usual, at all dowsers’ gatherings, the most exiting and amazing part is the participants: open, thirsty for knowledge and eager to try new ways of application of dowsing! And again – I have seen people from all walks of life having one main goal in mind – how can I become a better person and how can I include dowsing into what I do. I have written about it in one of my newsletters, that inclusiveness of dowsing will never sees to amaze me. I have seen Touch For Health practitioners discussing with Reiki practitioners about how dowsing can possibly increase effectiveness of their treatments. No visible boundaries between modalities, any conflict of interest, just pure enthusiasm about dowsing.

I remember, at the very first breakfast, a woman from Florida, who came alone and told me her husband asked her if she was sure she wanted to go, if she knew anyone. She came. We reconnected at our last lunch, on Sunday, and she told me that she made so many friends she could have never expected. Two of her best “buddies” were two sisters from Greece! I saw them departing with tears in their eyes, exchanging addresses and promising to stay in touch. I imagined all three of them dowsing the ancient sites of Greece one day! It was such a treat!

One thing that we were all complaining about was not having enough free time to socialize, to have time to sit down and simply talk, to have time to walk through this tranquil place to just be together or meditate while walking beautiful labyrinth etc. But – one cannot have it all, it was a conference, so we all came to learn dowsing.

I am back home, in Canada, but I cannot stop my mind from looking forward to the National Conference of American Society of Dowsers in Lyndonville, VT, in June 4-7! Just before that there is an Annual Conference of Canadian Society of Dowsers, May 1-3. If you are interested – join us! It is hard to find more inviting and fascinating group of people!