Silence between...

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 1st Oct 2014

Do you ever think about silence?

There are only two types of silence.

One type can be found only in nature - it is a state of nature without any sound. There is no wind, no movement, no birds chirping. No sound at all. This type of silence is hard to find. Even in the depth of the Universe, one will hear something - the sound of the Universe or the voice of God - OM.

Everywhere we go and everything we touch has some type of a sound. Therefore the silence of Nature is rare, hence worth to search for and experience. Truly enchanting moment. Live in this moment, since there will be some sound appearing very soon. Catch this moment of tranquility and serenity, and remember it forever.

The other kind of silence happens only between people. It is when no one says anything. If you would do it on regular basis with many people, you would be - probably - called taciturn. Let’s see what it is in reality. We may be silent, because there is nothing to say. We simply have nothing in common with our potential interlocutor, so it is not worth to even open our mouth. It makes us quite uncomfortable. Mostly to the point of departing.

This same type of silence takes place when we do not have anything to say, due to lack of knowledge on the subject discussed. We feel embarrassed and fearful that someone may ask us to join the conversation. Again, fear almost to the point of leaving.

The type of silence I like, enjoy and treasure the most is when you do not need to say anything because the silence is so comforting, so inviting, so heartwarming that you wish it will last forever. For me it is the moment when I recognize a true friend. When the silence is richer than the words. When it is almost like the words would spoil something soo important, soo valuable that you simply must protect it. That is a silence I love the most, am not afraid of and search for. It is not found easily, if we are lucky enough to reach this level with someone, we should never let this person leave our life.

I wish you many of these moments of richer then rich silence with true friends…

Good luck!