
Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 2nd Jul 2015

Are you interested in healing? If so – are you interested in healing yourself and/or others, or are you interested in being healed by others? That is a topic for a book or, at least, a good size para-scientific paper. Let’s try to abbreviate it though.

Paracelsus, a physician, a chemist (all alchemist), an astrologer – a man of many virtues (patience wasn’t one of them, though), hated and loved by many, believed in healing others, but highly stressed the aspect of self-healing and re-gaining health. He is known for his statement that: The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.

Each of us has his/her own opinion about healing. Since the majority of my life is dedicated to energetic healing and I do have quite an extensive experience with it, I give myself permission to express my own outlook on that problem.

Often times people believe that each of us have self-healing power and do not need anyone to help them in this process. On the other hand many people I know, with whom I worked with and heard from other healers, that when they get sick themselves, they have lowered immunity and a lack of self-healing power following by low confidence of their own ability to heal, that they cannot manage. They must get help.

The question is how much healing does one-person need and for how long? That always is the very primal question, which I ask myself. In my opinion we need to help them re-ignite their power, give some suggestions and guidance regarding what and how to continue and only then leave them to do the work. I believe that we cannot underestimate the value of our own work on self-healing. It is almost impossible to substitute it with the work of others. Only a careful observation of the progress and sometimes a correction or suggestion of healing path seems appropriate, but that’s all.

Getting sick is a process. Getting healthy again is another process – process of reversing the first one. Hard to do, since the first one is done unconsciously and often over a long period of time, the second is a fully conscious process and leads through the unknown paths of self-discovery and self-improvement.

That’s where I appreciate Paracelsus and his theory of tripartite alternatives (tria prima) containing sulphur (combustible element), mercury (liquid element) and salt (permanent or solid element) being the three elements creating all maladies on one hand, but also representing a more spiritual aspect of our being respectively: soul, spirit and body. He believed that if we will understand the physical aspect of toxins, which intoxicate us, and the spiritual aspect, which carry our suffering on a subtle level at the same time, we could cure any given condition.

I do agree with Paracelsus – nature, which creates all elements and Creator of our spiritual existence, which carries the emotional and spiritual burden are two aspects of either health or sickness. Joy vs. suffering. Love vs. fear. If we can recognize the material and spiritual aspect of our condition we can re-gain health. Sometimes by ourselves, but often with the help of others. But it is possible and that is a very comforting thought.

Stay Healthy, Happy and Prosperous!