
Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 4th Jun 2015

Do you wonder sometimes how full of ourselves some of us are? It came to me again when I was lecturing at the Annual Convention of Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology in Washington DC past weekend. My lecture was about the influence of Sacred Geometry shapes on human energy field. At some point I was mentioning that, while performing a treatment, practitioners sometimes may need protection and that some shapes (it was in reference to Atlantis Cross) are able to provide it. Then I have presented how the protection is completed. One of the attendees interrupted by saying that she must say something and she wants it to go on the recording: she said that practitioners should not take clients energy and if so, protection is not needed. The tone and anger in her voice was evident. I have replied that she is right, however not always practitioners can avoid “energetic infection” for many different reasons; because they are somehow emotionally attached to the client or because they yet learned on how to do it effectively, or because they are not strong enough to resist. I have agreed that we should learn, practice and do our best to increase our personal vibrations, so it will not happen, but since things take place we need to be prepared and shield ourselves.

After my lecture a few people approached me with comments, informing me that the same individual has made it hard for quite a few speakers, so I should not take it personally and that I have handled her perfectly. It was nice to hear these words of encouragement, but it still triggered my mind.

As we all know, that only those who don’t do anything avoid making mistakes. The same applies to Alternative Medicine therapists. Only those who do not touch energy on a deep level can claim that they know how to avoid absorption of client’s energy. In my long practice I have seen people hurt enormously by entities and energy forms they picked up from others. Among this group there were those who are very good and skilled practitioners who know their field, but on occasion had to deal with strong and nasty energies and those, who needed help (clients) because they were terribly hurt (physically, emotionally and spiritually) by revengeful and vicious, evil energies. I was hurt by them a few times myself and needed help from outside sources, since I wasn’t able to successfully remove them fully.

In spiritual circles there is this famous saying that we “do not fight”. I cannot agree with this. To me life is like a boxing ring: stronger wins. It is not about fighting, it is about being strong to resist or – if not - give in. So if the other side is stronger, one will be hurt. It is not anyone’s fault. We make a decision to work with certain clients and we need to pay the consequences for our decision. If we did not assess the situation well, we will pay the price for it. It is all about the Newton’s Third Law: the Law of Action-Reaction. It is physics, but new physics, the physics of the universe, not our gravitational, 3-dimentional, polarized Earth plane. According to this universal law the energy of both sides confronts each other not as an equal, but by their true strength and therefore the stronger one takes over.

I would be happy if at least practitioners would rise above common phrases and New Age blurbs and enter into the reality of the Energy World. So if you do not know, just do not say anything. Stay with an open heart and mind, since those around you may (just by chance) say something worth listening to, which may trigger your mind and inspire you to search further. In fact we did not get much further from Socrates’s paradox: “I know that I know nothing”.

So – how humble you are?