Hope vs. Illusion

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 11th Jun 2014

I was recently thinking about hopes. How much do they run our life? What is the role of hope? How much did I personally benefit from it in my life?

Hope for me is directly connected with faith. That’s why so many times we go with “blind hope”. I always hope for something. I think it is the main motto of my life!

When hope is really, truly faith based, it become our reality. It is always and only a matter of time. My approach is: I have all the time that is needed, since time flows anyway, so I use it (I hope) wisely by investing my time into hoping for the best, trusting that it will come at a proper time in a proper amount – simply saying: just in time.

Hopes, which are not based on faith, are illusions. An illusion is something what you want, but do not trust you will ever get. Living in an illusion is misleading.

It brings us nowhere and sooner or later will make us bitter, discouraged and depressed.

In my opinion hope helps us have a strong focus on our goal. Illusion has no power, hence focus cannot be kept steady.

With hopes we are looking forward for the best and are able to create success. Living in an illusion leaves us powerless and emotionally unstable.

I do hope for the best for all of us.

I hope we will all get through this time of uneasiness, and become stronger, wiser and better as human beings.

If you wish to share your thoughts on hopes and illusions, write to me. The more we think, talk and invest time in hoping, higher are our chances of getting what we want…