Everything is Grace

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 17th Jun 2014

How often do we think about Grace? Only when we are happy? When we are in the “seventh heaven”?

How hard is it, though, to see grace in tough times, when we are in despair, when everything goes wrong.

When I talk to my clients before treatments, seeing grace in their own challenges is initially very hard for them. However after usually a long conversation and treatment, most of them begin to see the “light in the tunnel”. My approach is that we should do our best to see grace even in the trying times, because it truly is everywhere. We can find it in our worse moments, since those moments ARE grace itself.

In my opinion seeing grace in everything is not a matter of faith or trust, however those always help. For me it is rather a matter of attitude. Even though it is thought-provoking many times, if we would analyze the situation, what and how we think about it depends only and exclusively on us. Our brain can and is able to constantly create new neuropaths, which bring us into a new mindset. This new mindset has the potential to form a new life for us.

Every time I struggle in certain levels of my life, I consciously bring myself to see grace in it and – as strange as it can sound – I find some. It is often quite laborious, but sooner or later we WILL find grace in everything.

Grace is not only a beautiful flower, falling in love or getting a lot of money, it is everywhere we WANT to see it. Everywhere we will DECIDE to see it.

Grace can be also in your every thought, every action and every word. It is your decision. I made my mind about it a long time ago. What about you?