
Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 18th Sep 2014

Do you remember your childhood dreams?

Recently I came back to mine. So often we treat our dreams as something unobtainable, “since they are just childish frills and silly thoughts”. Are they really?

Quite some time ago I have stopped watching TV and came back to listening to the radio. I use to love listening to the radio because it enhances our imagination and allows our conscious to wonder “in other realities” and to create what we desire to make of it.

Listening to radio brought to my mind the subject of dreams. Do we remember that it took the effort and dreams of three genius individuals to create a radio?

It all started with James Clerk Maxwell in mid- 19th. century. He brought us the concept of electromagnetic field and the idea of waves travelling through space. He did not develop the radio however he proved that sending waves IS possible. That’s the beginning of the dream. The dream of wireless communication.

Maxwell’s dream and work was picked up and continued by Heinrich Hertz in second half of 19th century. Hertz, commonly known for establishing the scientific unit of frequency, known as Hertz, not only proved that the theory of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field is mathematically measurable and quantifiable, but also build a unit, which became a prototype of radio. He was able to pass a spark between electrodes and it showed that transmission of waves IS possible. He did not create the radio receiver, however he carried on Maxwell’s dream.

It was Guglielmo Marconi who, thanks to extreme dedication of his mother to help young Marconi pursue his dream, is known and remembered to be the creator of today’s radio. In 1901, just at the threshold of 20th century, Marconi sent a radio signal from England to Newfoundland and then to USA. Regardless of debatable questions, it is Marconi who finalized the dream of James Clerk Maxwell.

It took half a century and many people, to bring the dream of wireless communication to fruition! So never give up on your dreams! Today transmission of energy is taken for granted by many of us, so when we dream big there is always an enormous chance that - if not you - then some day, some way, some how someone will pick it up and create.

Keep dreaming!