Dr. Dyer

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 9th Sep 2015

Probably everyone who is somehow connected or interested in spiritual development knows that Dr. Wayne Dyer had recently passed away. In tribute of his life, Hay House gave us a gift, a movie about him. I did not follow Dr. Dyers career or teachings very closely, but I did watch the movie. My friend from NS sent it to me and I have put it aside, then someone else sent me a message that it may be the last day, so I watched it.

It is interesting how it works – the simple truths, known to all of those, who followed the Eastern philosophy for some time, sounded differently all of the sudden, hit you deeper, inspired you in such a new and unique way.

One would think – well, he speaks about the spark of Creator in us, about Oneness of all and about knowing that you are who He is and that it is important. He refers to his life-changing moments and they effected and truly changed the lives of those around him. He inspired by just being there. By giving examples from his own life – from the lowest moment of his – at that time – pseudo-spiritual life to miracle healing in Italy. Somehow though, all this touches you on very deep level.

One aspect of his speech stayed in my mind, since I think along that line as well, however my credo is slightly altered. He said that there is a song in each of us and that we should follow it. That it will make us happy. That it is the “voice” of true you, and it sings about you with capital “Y”. I relate to it, since I often say to my clients or friends that when we do what we are meant to do, our heart sings. I do believe that our heart is our compass – when it sings, we are on the right path and that itself makes us happy.

As I said Dr. Dyer wasn’t my mentor or guru, but I was left thinking about him for a while after seeing this movie and I came to the understanding that he made himself famous for his self-development staff first, so when his life was transformed to a much more spiritual one, he did not have to build his name – he has been known already. It gave him opportunity to speak right away to thousands of people, who needed leadership and guidance.

I have attended a Hay House Conference in USA numbers of years ago where, for the first time in my life, I heard him live. Then I got a gift from a friend – an audiobook written by Dr. Dyer titled “Excuses Be Gone” and I listened to it. I must admit, my involvement in his body of work was limited, but my attitude toward him changed. The second, spiritual “coming of Dr. Dyer” is very interesting. I think I will continue to search for his other works on this field. What amazes me is that he had a very seldom way of passing simple truths in an extremely inspiring way. I shared the link to this movie with a few friends. One of them watched it the night she received the link. She called me the next morning and thanked me for it, then she said: “You know he says everything we all already know, yet at the end one wants to be a better person”. Yes, Joan, this is true. Far from cheap sentimentalism, this movie and the life of Dr. Dyer are inspirational and moving. If we could only apply his truths and stay with this inspired, singing spirit for as long as it takes to really become better and reach higher… Let’s hope!