
Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 26th Mar 2014

I know that each of us has an aspect of competitiveness installed in our system (body), so we can motivate ourselves to grow and progress. Very often though one should wonder where this competitive world has taken us?

We compete at school for better grades, not for better education. Higher grades can possibly bring young people better job offers. Better education often brings him/her to have a nickname: “nerd” (not necessarily what one would strive for).

We compete at work for better positions, not for truly better results. We work longer hours and weekends to finish things faster and to get promotions, which lead to higher income. Better results though very often needs more focus, time and dedication, which is in conflict with the rat race approach.

We compete in life for better cars, bigger houses, most exotic vacations etc. Not necessary for more loving family, bigger and a more supportive circle of friends, time to be with ourselves and find solace or/and relief.

Since I am racing with time 24/7 I know what I am talking about.

But then we look for excuses: I am a single Mom and must deliver for both parents; I must build my business and when it will be established I will slow down; I must set an example for my children - and the story goes on.

Why don’t we try to slow down, look around with amusement, see beauty and peace, enjoy every moment of our day, love our family and give them all the attention they desire and deserve?If you are a Mom – could you, please, stop blaming yourself about not pursuing a high paid carrier and “just” love and raise your children?

Am I dreaming? So what. Let me.