Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 25th Dec 2014

In our preparation to welcome the New Year we all have a tendency to look back with criticism on one hand and sentiment with the other. People say: “you cannot know where you are going if you do not know from where you are coming”. Have you already, or plan to find a few moments to ponder upon your 2014?

For me even writing this blog was a huge commitment and I am happy and proud of myself that I made it. With such a busy traveling schedule and so many people to see etc. I rarely have time to do something on weekly basis. However the commitment to write my blog made me re-assess all my commitments and make choices. Also - re-adjust my daily schedule. To my amusement a lot more could be done in one day, if one plans. I know that everyone knows that, but most of us must admit that we do not follow this common truth. I failed a few times and Eva, who is in charge of keeping our Facebook going, was challenged. Most of the time, though, I was on time!

What would you like to improve or change, or adjust in 2015? I think that a majority of people fail with New Year Resolutions, because we try to accomplish too much, so they become unattainable. So let’s focus on one thing. The one “thing” which is most important, that you almost could not live without. Let’s also enjoy, recognize and be proud of all the small steps as long as they lead you in desired direction. When you will achieve that goal, it will be time to set another one and then another.

In my life I have acted this way for last two years and I am quite happy with the results. Slowly but surely. Time flies anyway, but it seems to fly faster and happier when we succeed. Why not expect less, while achieving more. I am not thinking about totally minimizing our expectations, just stretch them to the point that they will not loose their value due to surpassivness.

I will keep my fingers cross for you and for myself. I believe in us!

Have a Great, Successful, Healthy and Happy, Prosperous and Joyful 2015!