Dowsing - Individual Topics

Dowsing - Individual Topics
Choose 1 or more of the 11 DVDs which pertain to what it is you need to know more about.
Maybe as a  beginner, you just need something basic to start with, or maybe by now, you are interested in one, very specific field of dowsing. That’s fine!
Here you can choose DVDs on the individual topics you are interested in or on the specific aspects of dowsing you wish to learn more about.
Each DVD has a description and a preview trailer to give you a sense of its content. We hope this will help you make your decision.
Please remember that if you purchase 5 or more individual DVDs the price will be reduced to USD 22 each and will be adjusted at check out.

Most of all - enjoy!
  • Dowsing – Science or Magic?

    Dowsing – Science or Magic?

    Dowsing – Science or Magic? Over the history of the human race, people have always wanted to explore the unknown, trying to lift the veil between the visible and invisible realms, to be a part of the whole, whatever the “whole” means...

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  • Dowsing - Sacred Geometry in Action

    Dowsing - Sacred Geometry in Action

    Dowsing - Sacred Geometry in Action Dowsing is the old art of searching. From the beginning of time, people were asking questions, seeking answers, and consulting oracles about their affairs. From Atlantis, through to the Oracle of Delphi to today,...

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  • Vibrations and Colours in Dowsing

    Vibrations and Colours in Dowsing

    Vibrations and Colours in Dowsing This lecture is based on cutting edge research on colours and vibrations. Ancient civilizations understood the importance of them and left us a vast field of expertize. Blended with recent discoveries, it creates an...

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  • Dowsing with Universal Pendulum

    Dowsing with Universal Pendulum

    Dowsing with Universal Pendulum The Universal Pendulum was developed as a result of profound studies of the Egyptian Pyramids and Sphinx, where a distinct pattern of vibrations appearing at certain angles related to the colours of the visible and...

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  • Dowsing with Dowsing Rods

    Dowsing with Dowsing Rods

    Dowsing with Dowsing Rods Dowsing rods are tools known to mankind for generations. Various cultures have used dowsing rods (also known as “divining rods”) to find the location of things such as water and other natural resources beneath the...

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  •  Global Grids

    Global Grids

    Global Grids The name “Geopathic Stress” has been derived from the Latin word “Geo”meaning Earth, and a Greek word “Pathos”meaning “suffering”. Geopathic Stress is about the relationship between the Earth...

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  • Pyramids in the 21 Century

    Pyramids in the 21 Century

    Pyramids in the 21 Century Most highly advanced civilizations on the Earth used pyramids to enhance not only their connection with the Universe but also everyday life. In our contemporary lives, filled with complicated electrical devices, people seem...

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  • Spiritual Clearing

    Spiritual Clearing

    Spiritual Clearing Our energetic system is built of many layers of energy forming our personality and spirit. These energy layers are subject to disturbances created by not only stored emotions, but also by undesired attachments, thought forms,...

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  • Dowsing with Lecher Antenna

    Dowsing with Lecher Antenna

    Lecher Antenna is an extremely advanced dowsing rod calibrated in nano-meters, operating on very high frequencies. This unusual instrument was developed by an Austrian physicist Ernst Lecher (1856-1926), fascinated with the outstanding body of work of...

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