Product Description
Moldavite, prized by humans for thousand of years, is still given as a gift among royalties. This green gem, is one of the rarest minerals on Earth - perhaps rarer then diamond, rubies and emeralds.
Legends associate Moldavite with the legendary Stone of the Holy Grail. Even those not usually sensitive to the energies of stones, often feel the energy of Moldavite because of it undeniable power.
Moldavite products may be use to strengthen and enhance:
- Channeling
- Cosmic consciousness
- Crystal consciousness
- Dimensional travel
- Expansion
- Healing applications
- Heart
- Chakra
- Inner journeys
- Meditation.
Moldavite is known by healers and gem lovers across the world for its unusually powerful energetic and mystical properties. Moldavite energies fuse easily with the breath thus Moldavite has a reputation for clearing oxygen related conditions and discomforts. Other say that because of its high vibration.
Moldavite can be used to open, clear and balance any chakra. Some have reported people becoming anxious around Moldavite; grounding is key to working with higher light stones.