The shape of Cartouche based on Sacred Geometry symbolizes Power.
"Protective Wings of Isis" is the most often used symbol of protection of the Goddess Isis. It is considered strong the amulet providing security and peacefulness.
The Egyptian Goddess Isis until today is considered a personification of “complete female”. In ancient Egypt she was called “The One Who Is All” or “The Lady of Ten Thousand Names”. In all believe systems and sources Isis (Greek Isyde) is always considered the Moon Goddess, which also implies feminine nature of her energy.
She is also called “Mother of Life”, “Giver of Life” or “Goddess of Magic”, "Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility".
Isis always worked with people, especially with women, to empower them and teach them many skills such as: reading, agriculture or medicine. She possessed the characteristics of all lesser goddesses before her and constantly shared her wisdom with humans on the Earth. Hence she was constantly present in public arena. She is often portrayed with outstretched wings which symbolize her protection against sickness, death, black magic, curses and spells. The image of her wings was always built into the thrones of Pharaohs, so they would be protected and righteous.
Isis, who loved people more than any other God or Goddess, can help us to understand and use our gifts and talents and thereby help us to create the life we desire.