White Light & Our Strength

Posted by Alicja on 13th Feb 2014

I just finished Level I of my series of courses called “Science of Dowsing”.

After words I was thinking about the most important problem of nowadays life: PROTECTION.

Most people, during my lectures or classes, when I ask: What they actually do to protect themselves? The typical answer is that they bring White Light.

The same happens when I ask, what they do to help others. “White Light” I hear.

Everyone refers to White Light, and the majority say it is very easy. Then why, more and more people are getting sick? And – what seems to be quite important - why are most healers sick?

Consequently - if manipulating of energy, what for many is equal to manifestation, is so easy – why many of us are constantly broke?

In my humble opinion it is a matter of strength. Energetic strength.

Let's leave for moment, the emotional and physical strength and let's concentrate on the strength of our energetic field.

If the field around us is not re-enforced every day (better twice a day) or/and if we do nothing to make it thick and almost solid, then everything can penetrate through our “White Light” protective shield. Why?

Because we are too weak to call upon White Light, to be heard on higher dimensions, which in turn supply us with what we need. Not what we desire, but what we need. If we cannot attract even as much as we need to stay balanced, healthy and happy, how can we find the strength to bring even more, to fulfill our desires?

That’s why what we have around us looks rather like a white fog, then solid protective shield.

Please understand, that the fact that I write about it does not mean I am always capable of doing it right. But at least I am aware of that and am committed to permanent improvement. Every day, in every way.

Can you challenge yourself to live really, truly aware of life, so you will know yourself? Hey, people say that this is what will set us free!

Let’s do it together!