Participatory Universe 2

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 27th Aug 2014

Time is flying so fast, that I have forgotten to write a blog last week!

Did you have time to ponder and observe YOUR Universe, and how it reacts to your actions, thoughts, feelings and the forever changing relationships?

I paid much of my attention to those things and have realized that as we progress towards the New Era (in its full expression) more and more things happen almost instantaneously. We think of something and in a few days it takes place, materializes or manifests, whichever description is closer to your heart.

It shows us how much we do participate in the infinite existence of the Universe. Let’s see: if my thought can ignite the universal forces to create something here, on Planet Earth, in my own life, it means that my thoughts and actions are heard, applied and implemented in the whole Universe.

Of course we must understand that in the Universe there are civilizations more advanced then ours and that, due to their higher abilities, they make a much bigger impact on creation in general, but we do have our part in it. What we do as individuals, Families, communities, nations and the entire human race makes its mark.

Scientists call it “Universal Breathing” when the Universe is getting smaller – inhaling – and bigger when it is exhaling. According to science it takes place according to precise rhythm and has its specific fazes. I am sure that how we act and what we think adds to this process. Making it the same from one point of view, but also, in other sense, much different every time it takes place. So - according to science the Universe is supposed to compress now, but it is still growing! Why?

Maybe because of YOU and YOUR THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS?

If so, I hope our thoughts, words and actions will improve, so their consequence will create an amazing Universe of Love, Compassion and Joy for all, everywhere…