Dynamic Duo

Posted by Alicja Aratyn on 19th Mar 2014

March 21, 2014

Dynamic Duo

We receive quite a lot of testimonials from our clients about our products quality, functionality and effectiveness. But two days ago we have received the e-mail, which puts new perspective on our products, so we quoted it below in full. When you will read it, you will realize that there is nothing to ad and even less to take away. I must admit that Brooke’s message not only made my day, but most of all, opened my eyes on new possibilities, different points of view as well a look at extremely sensitive types of people, who buy our products.

Let me share with you this message:


If I told you everything that has occurred for me since receiving my Octava pendent and Atlantis protection ring, what I call the "Dynamic Duo," I am not quite sure if you or anyone for that matter would believe me. I actually felt some of their energy while they were being shipped to me. However that is not the reason I am writing you today. I feel that I must tell you about the message I just received while Dowsing this morning. The message is in bold and italics, ( ) are placed around the words that I added to the message that I received.

The Atlantis Ring combined with the Octava is the Key to Cracking the Code (to finding and acquiring) Treasures of all kinds. (Yes there is indeed there is a) Universal Law (that) protects Treasures of all kinds (including Lotteries and Financial Freedom) from (being found or being received by) anyone who does not have the Key to Crack the Code. The Atlantis Ring combined with the Octava (are essential) in Cracking the Code. They provide what I believe to be is that critical missing piece of information needed to opening the door/lifting the veil that surrounds what it is that we are looking for. I know for a fact that Treasure Hunters of all levels, especially Treasure Dowers and people who just would like to be Financially Free will immediately and greatly benefit by owning and utilizing the energies, protection and benefits of this "Dynamic Duo."



A very happy beyond words,


I am amazed with possibilities vibrational products may provide. If we only become open…

We welcome any comments on that topic.